From May-June 2023 I worked to promote the NCAD 2023 Degree Show ‘NCAD Works’. This meant working with a large group of artists to ensure each piece was documented respectfully and appropriately. The outcomes of this project were a long form video-walkthrough of the show to send to curators, artists and members of the public who could not make the show as well as promotional videos to be posted on social media.
This is the promotional video I made during the marketing process for my most recent exhibit ‘Catching Something Moving’. When documenting work like this it is important that the footage captures all physical elements of a piece while also portraying the feeling of being in this space. Find out more about the piece here.
This second piece was developed by myself and fellow artist Campbell Gibson. As the work was made during a period of lockdown over covid, it was crucial that we developed a strong online presence for the work as well as a range of content for people to explore and spend time with. The outcomes of this being a printed book, an accompanying interactive webpage as well as a series of promotional videos.
The third piece in this section is the promotional work made for a photo zine published with the Library Project - Dublin in 2020. Again this was a project which took place during covid therefore needing a particularly strong online presence. The outcomes were a series of short videos made specifically for Instagram.
Emerge Magazine was an initiative founded by myself and Denis Buhai, existing at a time without physical galleries and an over dependance on digital media to provide art interactions, we decided to create a printed and published magazine featuring up and coming artists in Ireland (hence the name). With a large response from fellow students and artists, we received funding for the project and produced three issues over the course of 6 months. To have the project gain traction, we designed and organised open calls for each magazine, this called for marketing campaigns for each open call to get artists excited and applying. Above you can see some samples of the promotional work I completed.
Putting our funding and our platform to good we then began to use our website as a platform for digital art exhibitions. The website design and management was overseen by myself, as well as a huge amount of promotion and admin work. Above you can see the website in action. See more at the Emerge Instagram account below.